Newborn, At-Home Well Visits

As part of your subscription, we provide newborn, at-home well visits for anyone within a half hour of the office. It’s our way of ensuring your child’s health starts off on the right foot while limiting exposure to others.

Casting Aside the Office

I want to “hang my shingle” on the front porch like doctors of a bygone time. Instead of an office, I am available at my residence or yours.


We offer 24/7 telemedicine availability for sick children. Many types of chronic conditions can also be managed at least in part, by telemedicine. We want to save you time and offer this as a convenience. This is also available to you while on vacation or during college!

Well Visits

You will find our “well visits” or physicals are more thorough than you could have expected. Comprehensive physicals are scheduled for a full hour, not the usual rushed 15-minute appointments. Answering parents’ or patients’ questions should not be rushed. Topics like water safety/gun safety, questions about puberty, anxiety, or problems at school should be addressed thoroughly.

Be Admitted By Your Own Physican

Virtually all primary care doctors have moved away from admitting their own patients, leaving it to hospitalists. Given the amount of patients they have to see in this new healthcare model, it isn't surprising they no longer have the capability to do so. Dr. Mullen will directly admit his patients and follow their course while in the hospital. This simplifies follow-up upon discharge and maximizes continuity of care. If your child is admitted to the PICU, he will follow along closely as a consultant.

We are dedicated to your child’s well-being, and that means we’ll see your child as often as necessary to optimize their health. This includes managing chronic issues like ADHD, asthma, and constipation with frequent follow-up.

Many non-concierge practices charge for every patient encounter, regardless of how brief it may be. This can lead to unexpected costs that can quickly add up. It can also affect the quality of care delivered. We believe in providing value and transparency through our subscription model. Your child’s health is our priority, not billing for every visit or every task performed.

Unlimited Care for Your Child’s Well-Being

Preventive Medicine

Dr. Mullen will be lecturing weekly on topics ranging from button batteries, open water safety, teen drivers, and fire safety via Zoom. These lectures will be comprehensive, including videos and a list of sources for further reading. We find it necessary to devote this kind of time to important preventive topics, instead of rushing through them in a few seconds during a physical. This is just one example of how we will provide greater value to you and your family. Topics are plentiful, also including ATV safety, Halloween safety, etc. If you are unable to see a particular lecture, Dr. Mullen will gladly sit down with you at a mutually convenient time. If you are uncomfortable asking questions regarding a topic on zoom, you can call him at any time or visit in person to talk about a topic in more detail. Dr. Mullen is always looking for new topics, so feel free to ask him if there’s something you want him to lecture on.

Emotional Support Dog

Dr. Mullen’s dog, Ash, is on duty to make your children feel safe, alleviate anxiety, and make them have a fun experience. While he is available, you can always request a hypoallergenic room or for us not to bring Ash to your appointment.

CPR/AED/First Aid/Stop The Bleed

We offer periodic training multiple times a year in CPR, AED use, basic first aid, and bleeding control through the Stop the Bleed campaign/course. These classes are available to your immediate family at no cost.

Emergency Preparedness Counseling

Dr. Mullen has extensive training from the fire service, EMS, and emergency management through FEMA, New York Sate, and the National Fire Academy. We can help you make your home safe with tips regarding smoke detector placement and fire evacuation plans, security doors and windows, and safe storage of hazardous chemicals like cleaning supplies. We’re also happy to help you decide on what emergency food, lighting, first aid kits, and other equipment you may need in case of a disaster.

Costs and Financial Information

At Rampart Pediatrics, we believe that your child deserves the highest level of care without compromise. Our annual subscription fee is $2,000 per child, with a discount rate of $1,500 for every additional child from the same family simultaneously under our care. If a family has more than 5 children, the rest cost $500 per year. The subscription can be paid in full, or divided up every 6, 4, or 3 months, whichever is more convenient for you. This investment in your child’s health is not only reasonable, but also a smart choice. First and foremost, Dr. Mullen is only taking a limited number of families, so he may know every one of them on a personal level. Many practitioners see up to 3000 patients, limiting their time with each of them, and how well they know your child. You are paying for personalized and prompt care, without sitting in a waiting room for hours or waiting days to see a physician, and for direct access to them by phone.


We want to make your healthcare experience as smooth as possible. We provide a superbill for all services rendered, enabling you to seek possible insurance reimbursement. This added flexibility can help offset costs.

tax Benefits

Your child’s health is an investment in their future, and it might also have financial benefits. Consult your tax advisor to explore potential deductions or use of an FSA for our care. Your child’s well-being can align with your financial goals.