Our goal is to comprehensively address every aspect of your child’s growth, wellness, and illnesses, dedicating more than 15 minutes for each physical or sick visit. You and your provider should never feel rushed when caring for your children. A well visit should be scheduled for an entire hour. A sick visit should take as long as it needs to.

When you reach out to us, you will have direct access to your physician, eliminating the need for front office staff or intermediaries. We value personal connection with our patients and are dedicated to being there when you need us.

In the face of challenging illness, we promise not to leave you with a list of phone numbers and best wishes. We are here to provide unwavering support and care throughout your journey. We will do whatever it takes to ensure you can find and see any specialists or get any help you need. It should not be left up to you to do so during difficult times. We will expedite appointments with specialists to the full extent of our ability.

As ethical healthcare providers, we respect your autonomy. Our approach is to counsel you, not coerce, empowering you to make informed decisions about your child’s well-being. This includes decisions regarding vaccination.

As many practices soon will be, we use AI scribes. This technology allows us to focus on a patient instead of staring at a computer screen charting. They work incredibly well and provide doctors with extra time for patients. Should you ever be uncomfortable with this technology, we will happily turn it off.

We promise not to take or distribute free samples from pharmaceutical companies. While samples may be beneficial in some cases, we have decided establishing a “quid pro quo” relationship with pharmaceutical companies is unethical. It is impossible to eliminate bias with prescribing unless there are no expectations from distributors, even informal ones. Netflix’s series “Painkiller” illustrates this quite well. We will not accept free meals or any other perks from these companies. We will, however, still allow them to provide presentations to us so we may be abreast of all treatments available to you.

We will be working with affiliate marketing strategies and selling some medical products ourselves. We will always inform you if we have a financial incentive tied to anything we recommend (such as books, an AED, first aid kit, etc.)

Any book, movie, T.V. show, or social media channel recommended by Dr. Mullen, will be personally and thoroughly reviewed by Dr. Mullen before doing so. Yes, he really does subject himself to media directed at babies and toddlers to make sure it is safe and beneficial to your kids.

We believe that “same day visits” should be a promise kept, not an empty commitment.